086 087 5174

Our Daylight Analysis and Lighting Design Services

We provide technical daylight analysis services for planning applications, glazing design and large scale artificial lighting design.

When Do I Need Additional Daylight Analysis Services?

Architects typically use rules of thumb or their design experience to decide adequate natural and artificial light levels for buildings. Sometimes we need a more scientific and analytical approach.
1. Accurately specifying the correct number and type of light fittings for large commercial spaces.
2. Visualising natural light levels for design purposes
3. Quantitative analysis of daylight for planning, and planning appeals purposes.
4. Isobar illustrations of light levels for lighting design.

Providing adequate levels of light is one of the first design skills learned by architects, sizing windows is one of our core skills and we usually get it right first time. However on constricted sites and working with difficult building forms it can be necessary to check the adequacy of light levels using these digital and paper based techniques.
• Cylindical sunpath diagrams- the accepted norm when demonstrating access to sunlight for planning permission purposes.
• Digital modeling with applied materials and daylight studies- an excellent tool to help clients visualise light quality at design stage.
• Digital modeling for “average daylight factor” calculations- this analysis defines the actual amount of natural light in an interior space.
• Detailed lighting design using 3D digital models, including artificial light sources. This allows our clients to get the level of artificial light right, without relying on analysis by lighting suppliers.

Speed and Precision using Cloud Processing Services
Using our core BIM platform to model all projects in extreme detail, we can easily avail of high powered cloud computing services to rapidly perform extremely complex calculations, which accurately show the behavior of light in buildings.

The BIM model can also be exported to specialist lighting design software for average daylight factor calculations. This means that you never buy more light fittings than you actually need, and running costs can easily be optimized.

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